Dragon Palace

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In defense of Druddigon

I'm making this blog post to share my thoughts on the pokemon Druddgion and why i think it's underrated.
for those who don't know about this pokemon, Druddgion is a dragon type pokemon introduced in pokemon Black and White. it is widely considered one of the worst mons added and among the worst dragon types ever due to it's design, the fact that it competes as a physical attacker against Haxorus and others like it and how it appears too late to be worth using.
i used to think the same way but ever since i recently replayed Black, i decided to use it when it became available and it did suprised me a lot on how usefull it was, to the point where i went to the hall of fame with it on my team and helped me beat Alder, the final boss of the post game;
but what changed? what did it had that other dragon types didn't?. simple, it was a very physically bulky pokemon that could abuse the Rough skin-Rocky helmet combo. it goes like this, Rough skin inflicts chip damage to the opponent when the user is hit by a contact move and rocky helmet does the same thing so you could do a nice amount of damage to the enemy if they dare to use a contact move against it.
it's low speed also was pretty usefull because it was tanky enought to survive a hit and attack after the chip damage, making it easier to take kos and if it just so happens to outspeed it and miss the ko, it could still kill the opponent with the combo
i was greatly suprised by how clutch this fella was and altought he wasn't sweeping entire teams on it's own, it still managed to find a way to help the team and even managed to defeat Alder's last pokemon Escavalier winning me the fight
i hope this blog helped people see Druddgion in a different light and that many more people would like to give this guy a chance to shine to prove it's worth